Medical Professionals

Bringing confidence and integrity to your financial life.

Wealth Management for Medical Professionals

As a physician or other medical professional, the demands of your practice often dominate your schedule, leaving room for little else. Yet, you must find a way to pay attention to long-term financial planning. Fortunately, our wealth management for medical professionals can help ensure your hard work today is moving you continually closer to financial independence.

Common Questions and Challenges

  • Can I retire early but maintain my current lifestyle?
  • What strategies can help me save on taxes?
  • How can I effectively manage my student loans alongside other financial goals?
  • Is this vacation home a worthwhile wealth-building strategy for me?
  • What insurance or asset protection strategies can help me minimize potential liability?
  • Can I use alternative assets to generate passive income and better after-tax returns?

How We Can Help

Genesis Wealth Management specializes in helping medical professionals like you get control of your money and make it work harder for you. We provide a high level of attention to make a measurable difference, helping you get on track to achieving your long-term financial goals.

Holistic Wealth Management for Medical Professionals

Our CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals are skilled at developing comprehensive financial and investment plans designed around your unique needs and challenges. Using our Wealth Planning For Life™ process, we integrate elements such as evidence-based investment management, student loan optimization, retirement planning, and tax strategies to put you in control of your financial landscape. We’ll also work with your attorney to address asset protection strategies to help shield your wealth as much as possible from potential liability.

Tax Planning and Optimization

With your high income, tax planning is critical. We realize the importance of minimizing your tax burden and maximizing your after-tax returns. Your Genesis Wealth Manager will work closely with you and your tax professional to develop tax planning strategies that aim to save you money.

Student Loan Management

A significant concern for many in the medical field is student loan debt. We will assess your repayment options, evaluate loan forgiveness programs if applicable, and explore refinancing opportunities to minimize interest and accelerate the repayment process.

Optimize Retirement and Legacy Planning

Your Genesis wealth manager will work closely with you to maximize contributions, optimize Social Security benefits, and design tax-efficient retirement income plans so you move toward earlier financial independence. We also offer comprehensive estate planning coordinated with your attorney to ensure a seamless transition of your assets to your heirs or philanthropic endeavors.

More Personalized Attention

With your own Executive Wealth Manager and the support of the entire Genesis team, you’ll have the help you need to evaluate opportunities and analyze important financial decisions before you make them. Our high service level ensures that you’ll have personalized, prudent financial advice available when you need it to minimize mistakes and maximize wealth-building opportunities.

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