
Bringing confidence and integrity to your financial life.

Retirement Wealth Management

As you transition into retirement, you face a new set of financial complexities. Discover how Genesis can guide you through the intricacies of retirement wealth management.

Common Questions and Challenges

  • How can I create a reliable income stream after my paycheck stops?
  • What’s the most effective way to manage my investment portfolio for both growth and preservation?
  • How can I lower my tax bill and maximize my after-tax income?
  • What strategies should I consider for healthcare and long-term care costs?
  • How can I help ensure an efficient future transfer of assets to my heirs or chosen charities?

How We Can Help

Genesis Wealth Management is devoted to helping people like you feel confident about your financial future in retirement. We can help you navigate the complexities of retirement planning to get the clarity you need to accomplish your goals in this new phase of life.

Holistic Retirement Wealth Management

Our team at Genesis uses our Wealth Planning for Life™ process to take a comprehensive look at your financial landscape. We don’t just look at investments; we help you map out a complete financial plan that addresses your unique retirement needs, including healthcare costs, tax planning, charitable giving and estate planning.

Creating Reliable Retirement Income

Developing a dependable income stream for your retirement is crucial. To design a comprehensive retirement income strategy, your Genesis Executive Wealth Manager (who is also a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional) will analyze your savings, retirement accounts, pensions, Social Security, and other income sources. Then, they will help you devise a retirement plan that helps you feel confident about meeting your obligations and enjoying your life.

Balanced Investment Management

Striking the right balance between growing your assets and preserving your capital is vital during retirement, especially considering that some people live much longer lives. Your wealth manager will work with you to create a customized investment portfolio tailored to your needs. We incorporate multiple asset classes, such as equities, bonds, and alternative assets, to develop a diversified strategy that aligns with your financial goals.

Tax Efficiency in Retirement

Maximizing your after-tax income is vital in retirement. Your wealth manager will review your retirement accounts, Social Security benefits, and other sources to help you minimize your tax burden. We will explore strategies like income shifting, Roth conversions and tax-efficient withdrawals to optimize your after-tax income.

Social Security Optimization

While Social Security may not be enough to live off of, it offers an additional income source to help you keep up with inflation. Unfortunately, many retirees miss out on strategies that could maximize these benefits by simply signing up without analyzing their options. We’ll help you determine your most advantageous filing strategy so you can make the most of this benefit.

Long-Term Care and Healthcare Strategy

Retirement wealth management isn’t complete without considering today’s rising healthcare and long-term care prices. We help you navigate the Medicare maze and explore various strategies to lower your costs.

Legacy and Estate Planning

Estate planning can make you feel confident that your family will be financially stable if you pass away unexpectedly. But it’s also an opportunity to pursue other goals, such as legacy planning, creating tax savings or shielding wealth from lawsuits and other threats. We’ll work with you to establish an estate plan that makes sense for you. From minimizing estate taxes to setting up trusts, we will collaborate directly with your legal advisor to create a comprehensive estate plan that can give you confidence.

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